At its session on 17 July, the Chamber of Deputies passed governmental proposals in the third reading that should enable complete promulgation of the New Civil Code in January 2014. The Chamber of Deputies seeks to pass all the proposed Bills that should implement the New Civil Code before it decides on dissolution (the plenary meeting should take place on 20 August).
The Chamber of Deputies passed the Bill on Municipal Fees (zákon o místních poplatcích) that has been proposed by the Government in February 2013. The Bill should unify the terminology of the currently effective Act. The unclarity of the current provisions allows malpractice considering the fees of using the public space. Private events that take place at the public space are being disguised as beneficial events that are extracted from the fee duty. Besides that, the Bill also enables implementation of tolls machine for town centers entrance. The Bill also devolves further rights for local authorities to exempt fees. The Bill also simplifies the administration of municipal fees as a financial source of municipal treasure. The Government reacted on proposals of local authorities.
The Bill headed to the Senate that should discuss it on its coming session on 21 August.
For further information, click here (explanatory report).
The Chamber of Deputies also passed a private members’ Bill on State Social Support. The Bill aims at broadening the scope and closer defining of educational courses that should be recognized by the state in order for persons to obtain state social support. The Bill primarily recognize a one-year intensive language courses as regular secondary study; this measure should motivate pupils to study foreign language as the level of language equipment does not fulfill requirements of labor market. Further, vocational training should be also considered as study program. The Bill stipulates which study program should granted student status with full advantages (i.e. social support, contribution to pension system).
The Senate should discuss the Bill on 21 August.
For further information, click here (explanatory report).