On 15 February, the Chamber of Deputies approved the amendment of the Constitution stipulating further conditions of losing representatives’ mandate in the first reading. According to the amendment, deputies who have been sentenced to imprisonment lose their mandate. The Bill is heading to the Constitutional Committee. The Chamber of Deputies also agreed on the amendment of the Act on Allowance and Remuneration of public officials (zákon o platu a náhradách představitelů státní moci) in the first reading. The Bill stipulates that imprisoned deputies are not allowed to receive any allowance and remuneration. The Bill is heading to the Committee on Budget. Both the amendments reflect the current discussion in the Czech Republic on imprisoned deputies.
On 13 February, the Chamber of Deputies also approved the amendment of the Constitution that limits representatives’ immunity in the third reading. In the future, a deputy must not be charged for any offenses during his tenure. In that period, the deputy may be charged if the Chamber of Deputies agreed with it. The Bill is heading to the Senate.
All the amendments should come into force when promulgating.
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