On 6 June, the Chamber of Deputies passed a governmental proposal of amendments to the Act on Taxes and Taxation (zákon o daních a dani z příjmu) in order to cut a deficit of the state budget under 2,9 per cent of the GDP in 2013 (approved by the Government on 23 May). The intention of the Government is to increase direct taxation; the Government proposed to increase of VAT to 21 per cent. The amendment also introduces an increase of income tax of 7 per cent in high-income range (the so-called solidarity tax increase). Simultaneously, the Government intends to abandon tax abatements levied on Czech non-citizens. The Bill is heading to the Budget Committee. The Committee has declared to discuss the Bill on 13 June; the discussion has been postponed, however.
For further information regarding the Bill, click here (sites of the Chamber of Deputies; the link contains also information about further discussions of the Bill at the Chamber of Deputies).
The Economic Committee approved a governmental proposal of the Bill on Protection of Competition (zákon o ochraně hospodařské soutěže) (approved by the Government on 16 May). The Bill introduces leniency program for companies that announce cartel agreement. The Bill also regulates the role of the Office for the Protection of Competition in the system of competition control. The Economic Committee recommends the Chamber of Deputies to pass the Bill in the governmental wording; the Chamber of Deputies should discuss the Bill in the second reading at its current meeting. The wording of the Bill may change depending on amendments that may be raised by Deputies in the second reading.
For further information regarding the Bill, click here (sites of the Chamber of Deputies, including further discussions of the Bill).
On 13 June, the Chamber of Deputies passed the amendment to Civil Procedure Code (novela občanského soudního řádu). The amendment regulates primarily the debt settlement by court executors. An increased control of the executors should be assured; the executors should announce a beginning of debt recovery to a register that is to set up. The new system also enables to start the debt recovery without judicial decision. The intention aims at relieving of an administrative burden for Courts so that they may focus on debt recovery control. The Bill is heading to the Senate.
For further information regarding the Bill, click here (sites of the Chamber of Deputies).