17th July 2014

Construction of 2 new nuclear power plant blocks in sight

Minister of Finance Andrej Babiš along with Minister of Industry and Commerce announced that the state is planning construction of two new nuclerar power plant blocks. Whether both blocks will be in Temelín or one in Temelín and one in Dukovany is still to be finally decided. Most probably the new tenders will be announced next year. These new tenders wouldn’t originate from ČEZ they would be made in the PPP form instead. According to this model supplier would ensure the construction of the facility and its further opearation for a set amount of time. Potential players in game are Russian MIR Consortium, American Westinghouse Consortium but also Kepco as a newcomer. New bloc in Dukovany would ensure its operation until the year 2035 when thee construction should be finished.

For more click here, here and here.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic