The Chamber of Deputies passed a governmental proposal of the Act on Control (Zákon o kontrole, kontrolní řád) at the third reading on 9 May. Currently, a process of control may be conducted by more public authorities; however, the process of control is not stipulated by law. The Bill aims at unification of the process of control mechanism at public service. In fact, the Bill stipulates a control process that should be followed by any control organs. Except for unification, the Code stipulates an efficient and transparent process. The Bill applies to any public officials at the central level as well as the regional and municipal level; furthermore, controls of activities of professional association should be conducted according to the Bill as well.
The Act should come into force on 1 January 2014. The Senate has not set the term of the follow up with the Bill.
For further information regarding the Bill, click here.
Source: proposal of the Bill and explanatory report (Chamber of Deputies sites).