One Czech company named EGO located in Zlín has developed and is currently producing special bio sacks and other innovative protective devices (Bioboxes) that can prevent the spread of the Ebola disease from patients and dead people to other people during their treatment and transportation of bodies. The EGO company will present their products at the Czech embassy in Belgium where it would meet the representatives of MSF whom EGO already delivered 4 bio sacks and the representatives of WHO, NATO or European Commission. EGO is one of the few companies that can actually respond to the WHO calls for immediate help. Outside the countries affected by Ebola also Brazil already ordered bio sacks in the preparation for the upcoming Olympic Games in 2016. Also its second product Biobox which allows doctors to treat patients without the risk of transfer of the disease is one of a kind and when presented on both world’s greatest medical fairs in Düsseldorf and in Dubaj it had no competition. This product is used for example at the hospital Bulovka on its isolation ward.