According to the Fair Trade Czech Republic the consumers show growing interest in buying Fair Trade products. Last year Czech consumers bought Fair Trade products with the total value of CZK 147 million. Retail sales increased by 80 % last year. Although products branded Fair Trade are not bio certified products they are considered high quality products. Some people buying these product don’t know exactly what does the Fair Trade brand mean. Greatest share of the sales with 57 % belongs to coffee with the amount of 142 tons and value of CZK 100 million. Coffee is followed by cotton goods with 23 % and approx. value of CZK 40 million. Other commodities are jam, ice-cream and buiscuits (7 %), chocolate and cacao (5 %) and cosmetic products (3 %). The producers receive apart from the minimum price also the Fair Trade premium which is used and democratically divided by the producers themselves with 25 % always to development and improvement of quality of products.
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