According to the survey made by Mediaresearch for Association for Electronic Commerce (APEK) Czech consumers spent more than 58 billion Czech crowns in e-shops. This means 16 % increase compared to 2012. According to the survey only 3 % of the active internet population above the age of 15 never used e-shop which leaves us with vast majority of 97 % that have at least some experience with buying goods or services online. More precise statistics show that only l 7 % of people use e-shops less than once a year and more than 75 % of them who buy something at least once a year bought something 4 or more times last year. Only 6 % of them use e-shops on weekly basis. Most of the respondents spent on internet the average amount ranging from 5 000 to 10 000 Czech crowns per year. Also the percentage of satisfied customers is favorable with 34 % with the best experience, 65 % with rather good experience and only 1 % of them with rather bad experience.