In the Czech Republic elections to the European Parliament were held on 23rd and 24th May 2014. In the Czech Republic the turnout reached 18.2 % which is the second worst turnout in the EU. Elections won party ANO 2011 16.13 % and 4 deputies followed by TOP 09 with 15.95 % and 4 deputies, ČSSD with 14.17 % and 4 deputies, KSČM with 10.98 % and 3 deputies, KDU-ČSL with 9.95 % and 3 deputies, ODS with 7.67 % and 2 deputies and Svobodní just above the line with 5.24 % and 1 deputy. In respect to European parties the Czech republic has 7 deputies in largest EPP, 4 in S&D, 4 in ALDE, 2 in ECR, 3 in GUE/NGL and 1 unassigned deputy. These results show that elections to the EP are still considered as second grade elections by the Czech people and also confirms strong support of governmental ANO 2011 which is gaining edge over its coalition partners ČSSD and KDU-ČSL.