The new European Parliament will have 22 permanent committees, each consisting of 25 to 71 MEPs. The majority of parliamentary work is done in committees in the European Parliament therefore membership in an influential and important committee is a highly valuable asset. The Parliament arranged its committees at its constitutive plenary session on 1-3 July. Of the committees, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) and Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) are considered to be among the most important. Of the Czech 21 MEPs, 4 will sit in IMCO (one from ČSSD/S&D, TOP09/EPP, KSČM/GUE-NGL and ANO 2011/ALDE) and 3 in ITRE (ČSSD/S&D, KSČM/GUE-NGL, ODS/ECR). Also, 2 Czech MEPs will work in Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) and another 2 in Budget Control Committee (CONT). The full list of MEPs and their committee membership can be found here.