On 22 May, the EU-summit was held in Brussels. The main aim of the summit was to resolve the harmonization of common direct taxation that would bring the EU-budget more financial means (for discussion to the summit, click here). Further, the EU-member states representatives discussed an increased strain for struggle with tax frauds.
As the side-topic, the leaders also discussed the EU Energy Policy in relation to economic growth and creation of common energy market. The Czech PM Petr Nečas emphasized that the use of renewable sources of energy should not hinder the economic growth. As a consequence, Petr Nečas claimed that each member state should choose energy sources that fit its needs. According to PM Nečas, the EU-support for renewable sources of energy has distorted the energy market; the economical return on investments of conventional sources of energy has decreased heavily.
In spite of intra-coalition disputes, PM Nečas also confirmed the governmental intention to start the construction of additional the nuclear power plant in Temelín. Nečas also mentioned that the Czech industry needs cheap electric energy that must not be burdened by expenditures on renewable energy sources.
For further information, click here and here (press releases).