According to Global Food Security Index ladder that is composed by the analysts of the Economist journal the Czech Republic is the best in quality and availability of food among the post-communist countries. According to the ladder the Czech Republic placed 23rd of the 109 compared countries. Aside from the quality of food the index is composed from diversity of offered food and also form the food price / household income relationship. Compared to the previous year the Czech republic retained its place but it slightly improved its score. On the first place of this ladder placed the USA followed by the Austria and the Netherlands along with Norway. On the contrary worst countries were Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad and Madagascar.
This week also Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism commented another survey published by Eurostat where the Czech Republic is at 84 % of the food price level in comparison of EU countries only to be followed by Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland. But according to the Czech Statisical Office the problem is that GDP in PPP fell from previous 75 % to only 74.1 %. According to those data president of the Confederation Marta Nováková said that the retail businesses are forced to apply lower profit margin than in other countries with higher PPP. Problem is that these data especially concerning profit margins are very difficult to verify.