Almost one-half of foreign workers in the Czech Republic come from Slovakia; most foreign entrepreneurs come from Vietnam and Ukraine, the Czech Statistical Office announced. Most foreigners work in the manufacturing sector and their numbers have been increasing. Also, Slovak workers in the Czech Republic earn more on average than Czech workers (2015 data). (Meanwhile, since 2008, (real) hourly labour costs increased by 17% in the Czech Republic, the Czech statistical Office says, adding that 18.7% of Czech workers fall into the category of working poor.)
A total of 464,700 foreigners resided in the Czech Republic legally in 2015, the highest number since the Czech Republic was established in 1993, the Czech Statistics Office reported on Thursday. The number of foreigners with permanent residence, that is people who remain in the country for more than five years, is also on the rise. The majority of them came from EU countries. Ukrainians are the biggest group of foreigners in the Czech Republic, making up 23 percent of all foreign residents, followed by Slovaks, 22 percent, and Vietnamese nationals, who account for 12 percent. Eight percent come from Russia, five from Germany and four from Poland. Since 2004, the number of foreigners residing in the country has almost doubled, Radio Praha writes. Within the EU, the share of foreigners on the total population of the Czech Republic is 4.3%, compared with 45.9% in Luxembourg and 0.3% in Poland, the Czech Statistical Office says.
Read more details in Czech.