The toll rates for the trucks will stay unchanged for the moment as the Czech Government on its meeting on Monday 20th October refused Minister of Transportation’s proposal for raising the toll rates and cancelling higher Friday toll rates in exchange. Minister of Transportation David Prachař is due to introduce another variant of the toll regulation during next week. During the week Minister David Prachař additionally introduced the concept of toll system that would consist of two parts. This is connected with the upcoming standardization of toll systems throughout European Union in order for them to be compatible. The vehicle units would no longer belong to state as it is now but to the transportation companies. Service of the units would be in the hand of private companies. This measure should help to introduce bigger competition into this branch. In the case of Czech Republic preparing the separation of toll system is also discussed with the current toll operator company Kapsch. These new standards and regulation could help the state to negotiate better conditions for potential future contract with Kapsch.