While we will most certainly need a crystal ball to foresee exactly how jobs will evolve in the future, a central point that will be made in this report is that automation outcomes are not pre-determined, and will be shaped by the policies and choices we make.
Instead of worrying about what could happen due to automation and increased uptake of AI, we should focus on what should happen. This report explores the policy choices that AI and robotisation present for the future of labour and puts forward recommendations on addressing these choices. In doing so, the report focuses on the problems arising from automation and their solutions and not so much on subsidiarity, national and EU competences. The policy recommendations are meant to galvanize the debate around the labour market impact of AI and sketch possible solutions.
A thorough discussion on which level of governance does what would need to follow this debate. The policy choices and considerations explored in the report are thus relevant for policymakers at all levels of government.