A majority of MEPs confirmed the committee decision to enter into negotiations on the revision of EU privacy rules for electronic communications, a press release published by the Euroepan Parliament.
The decision was backed by 318 votes to 280, with 20 abstentions. This means that Parliament is ready to start the talks with member states on the new e-Privacy regulation as soon as member states have agreed on their own negotiation position.
Parliament’s mandate sets high standards of privacy, confidentiality and security in electronic communications across the EU.
A ban on “cookie walls”, which block access to a website if the person does not agree to his or her data being used by the site, is among Parliament’s priorities. Snooping on personal devices via cookies or software updates, or tracking people without their clear approval through public hotspots or WI-FI in shopping centres, should also be prohibited, say MEPs.
View full press release.