On 26 August, the European Commission adopted the Partnership Agreement on the use of EU Structural and Investment Funds for the period 2014-2020 with the Czech Republic. The Partnership Agreement is the basic document which sets the main guidelines for the use of EU funds. Based on the agreement, the Czech Republic will have access to €22 billion from Cohesion Policy funds (European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, Cohesion Fund), plus additional €2 billion for rural development and €31 million for fishery. According to Prime Minister Sobotka, the funds will be invested in increased competitiveness, employment, education and transport infrastructure. The adoption by the Commission follows the finalization by the Czech government in June. According to the Czech officials, the processes for 2014-2020 funds are on schedule. The principal aim is to have everything finalized this year in order for first calls to be published early in 2015 – eith the beginning of the 2015 constructions season.