The Ministry of Interior has introduced the amendment to the Act on European Parliament Election (zákon o volbách do Evropského parlamentu). The Bill primarily regulates the eligibility of candidates for EP election across the member states of the European Union. As the citizens of the EU may run in EP election in any state of the Union if they reside there (the so-called European Citizenship prerogative), the legal eligibility has to be unified within the Union. The Bill stipulates that a candidate should not be obliged to provide with a confirmation of franchise in the mother country. The candidate should provide only with a statutory declaration. The obligation of franchise assurance rests upon the member state in which the candidate runs.
The Bill also sets the term of next EP election in May, 2014 (according to the regulation of the European Council no. 2013/1/EU).
The Ministry welcomes any comments till 24 May.
For further information, click here (explanatory report).