Extra-EU27 trade in goods ended up in surplus of €0.4 bn in June 2012, compared to deficit of €15.3 bn in June 2011. The euro area ended up in surplus of €14.9 bn in June 2012, compared to surplus of only €0.2 bn in June 2011. The May balance was in deficit of €3.8 bn in the EU27 and in surplus of €7.1 bn in the euro area.
According to the results of the first 5 months of 2012, EU has the biggest deficit for energy (€176.6 bn from January till May 2012) and the biggest surplus for manufactured goods (€133.8 bn from January until May 2012).
Exports to main trading partners of the EU (Russia, South Korea, Brazil or Japan) rose in the first 5 months of 2012 with two exceptions. Exports to Turkey and India fell by 4%. The largest surplus was observed in Germany, Netherlands and Ireland. The largest deficits were reported in the United Kingdom, France and Spain.
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