On 23 January, the Committee on Economic Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies held an expert seminar “The Czech Export: force of the Czech Economy”. At the seminar, leading experts and representatives of the industry and governmental institutions appeared and discussed the Czech export strategy as well as shortcomings of the current situation (click here for the program). As a result of the seminar, the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic claims further effort to unify the export incentives structure. In fact, nowadays the Ministry of Trade and Industry provides a framework for export support (in the strategic document of export support for years 2012–2020, the Ministry introduced a rather diversified approach of the export aiming at twelve world economies; for further information, click here in Czech). On the contrary, the Foreign Ministry provides the “knowledge base” of the export by improving the Czech diplomats in economic affairs. Further, the Ministry also gathers information for Czech exporters about foreign opportunities (for further information, click the economic section of the Foreign Ministry). The Confederation insists on a unique structure of the export support that would not create two parallel institutional frames. The Confederation also emphasized that clear leadership of both the EGAP (Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation) and the CEB (Czech Export Bank) are needed.
For further information, click here (press release of the Confederation).