On 5 May, the European Commission successfully concluded the first of the 28 Partnership Agreements on using EU Structural and Investment Funds for growth and jobs in the period of 2014-2020. The first Member State to conclude its agreement is Denmark. The aim of the funds is to boost competitiveness, tackle unemployment and growth through support to innovation, the low carbon economy and training and education, promote entrepreneurship, fight social exclusion and strive for an environmentally friendly and resource-efficient economy. According to the Regional Policy Commissioner Hahn, the new Agreements should show, that from now on, the structural funds are not to be treated in a “business as usual” way. The investments must be strategic, in line with the priorities of sustainable growth and investment in people and must have a real impact on real economy. No more local roads and regional airports, Commissioner Hahn stated.
All 28 Partnership Agreements have landed at the EC table in Brussels. Their adoption should follow within the next 3 months after a set of consultations between the Commission and the Member States.
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