According to Eurostat, the statistical Office of the European Union, GDP per capita in the Member States ranged from 47% to 271% of the EU27 average in 2012. The highest level of GDP per capita was recorded in Luxembourg (271%), Austria (131%), Ireland (129%), Netherlands (128%) and Sweden (128%). To the group of countries above the average belonged also Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Finland, France and the United Kingdom.
Italy and Spain remained just below average. The lowest GDP per capita was measured in Romania (49%) and Bulgaria (47%). Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary and Latvia recorded GDP per capita between 70% and 62%.
While GDP per capita is often used as an indicator of country's economic situation, the Actual Individual Consumption per capita indicator better reflects the situation of households. In 2012, AIC per capita ranged between 48% in Romania to 141% in Luxembourg. Country with largest discrepancies between GDP and AIC per capita was Ireland with GDP per capita at 129% of the EU27 average and AIC per capita only on 98% of the EU27 average. Czech GDP per capita was at 79% of the EU27 average, whilst its AIC per capita only at 69% of the EU27 average.
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