26th July 2019

KONGRES: Prague Sets Its Sustainable Mobility Plan to the Year 2030

Prague with nearly 57% of its area made up of parks, woodlands or gardens regularly ranks top positions in the lists of world's greenest cities offering its inhabitants and visitors plenty of opportunities to escape the bustle of daily life and relax. To improve the quality of the environment continuously, the City of Prague introduced its new mobility plan with the perspective for the period up to the year 2030. The city also improves its chances to meet the demanding requirements of those meeting organizers who prefer destinations with an advanced level of sustainable development policies for their events, KONGRES writes.

The Prague City Assembly has approved the Sustainable Mobility Plan for Prague and the metropolitan area. Through 242 specific interventions, this document presents a long-term strategy for easier connections between the surrounding metropolitan area and the capital, an overall reduction in traffic, the development of electromobility, and most importantly, improved transport safety.

The measures proposed under the Polaď Prahu project will cost approximately CZK 113 billion and transform mobility in Prague and its suburbs up to the year 2030. The Prague Institute of Planning and Development (IPR Prague) was involved in preparing the document.

The approved strategy addresses eight core areas and offers specific points for improvement in each.

After twenty years, thanks to the Sustainable Mobility Plan, we have a new transport policy concept for a city of the 21st century. Thanks to 242 specific priority measures, we will make it easier for people to comfortably walk or ride their bikes in the city. We will reduce the amount of car traffic passing through the city centre and improve overall city life, including the air we breathe,” said Deputy Mayor of Prague and Councillor for Transport, Adam Scheinherr. “We owe a large debt to the air quality in Prague due to the transport situation. The new coalition finally wants to start paying back this debt, so it’s important that this plan is binding for future councillors, regardless of political affiliation.”


>> Read full article by KONGRES.

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