The Committee on Civil Service and Regional Development of the Chamber of Deputies passed a resolution of postponing the discussion of a governmental proposal of the Bill on Financial Control (zákon o finanční kontrole) till 30 June; the Committee also invited any amendment proposals till 20 June. The Bill stipulates more efficient modes of control of state expenditure; passing the Bill is a crucial condition of the European Union to pay the Czech Republic further payments to structural and cohesion funds after 30 June.
The Control Committee discussed the Bill at its meeting too. The Committee postponed the discussion to 30 June as well. The Committee intends to hold a joint seminar regarding the financial control of state expenditure.
The Bill had been discussed at the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies on 16 May in the third reading.
For further information regarding the Bill, click here; resolutions of the Committee, see here (Control Committee), and here (Committee on Civil Service and Regional Development).