On 6 April, diplomats representing the EU member states agreed on a Council negotiating position regarding the proposed European Border and Coast Guard. The EC proposed this in December 2015 as one measure intended to help tackle future migration crises. Council representatives will launch talks with the European Parliament as soon, as the latter will have its own position adopted. The Dutch Presidency aims to have the corresponding legislation adopted by June, for the board and coast guard to start functioning as early as summer. According to the Council´s position, the new border management system would consist of closely cooperating national border guards and a common EU one – a radically beefed-up Frontex. This new EU guard would monitor the situation at EU borders and in case of a large migration wave, it would have 1500 personnel available for rapid deployment. It would also be involved in the so-called hotspots, as well as in returns operations.
What is not clear at this point is the possibility of deployment of the EU border guards without the consent of the state involved – this crucial question will probably be agreed later on.