The Ministry of Finance has proposed a directive on Budget composition (vyhláška o sestavování státního rozpočtu). The aim of the directive is to reflect recent changes of the Act on Budget Rules (zákon o rozpočtových pravidlech). The directive stipulates an obligation of public authorities (administrators of budget chapters, state funds, regional and municipal authorities) to collect fiscal facts to the integrated system of State Treasury. Further, the directive specifies the required fiscal facts that the administrators are obliged to provide. The directive also stipulates terms within which the administrators should provide the required facts. Based on facts within the State Treasury, the Ministry of Finance compiled an every year budget proposal and medium term budget outlooks. The Ministry of Finance expects that the directive should come into force on 1 June, 2013. The Budget for 2014 should be compiled under this directive.
The Ministry welcomes any commentaries till 30 April.
For further information, click here (explanatory report).