On November 13, The Ministry of Health introduced a 5-stage PES (Protiepidemický systém) nation-wide system based on the index of risk (scale 0-100) as an improved tool to indicate the level of Covid-19 emergency in the Czech Republic (green (score up to 20), yellow (score up to 40), orange (score up to 60), red (score up to 75) and purple stage). The index will be calculated on a daily basis. Based on the index value, shifts between stages will be possible. The assessment will be published regularly and the shift to a different color stage, if recommended by the Health Ministry and approved by the Government, together with associated measures will take effect the following Monday. Current stage and associated measures: Stage 4 (red).
The calculations will take into account the no. of positively tested per 100,000 (14-day figure), no. of positively tested elderly per 100,000 citizens aged 65+ (14-day figure), reproduction no. and the average share of positive tests on total tests (27% on Friday Nov 13). Stage 3+ means severe epidemiological situation. An increase of risk index score for at least three consecutive days means shift up to a higher stage. A decrease of risk index score for at least seven consecutive days means shift down to a lower stage. Even Stage 1 (green) of PES requires the state of emergency to be in place (this could be reviewed). Ban on free movement disappears with Stage 3 of the PES system (orange stage). The system is designed to be in place until the end of 2020.
Source: Ministry of Health