The government has approved a document named Czech SMR Roadmap – Applicability and Contribution to Economy, submitted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Based on the Roadmap, the innovative technology will be included in the State Energy Policy and recognized in the Spatial Development Policy of the Czech Republic. The Roadmap provides an overview of possible sites and investment models.
Small and medium-sized reactors (SMRs) are an innovative nuclear reactor technology. The next five to ten years will be key in terms of their marketability, with corresponding business opportunities. Abroad, work is underway on a number of desings, with their representatives having expressed interest in cooperating with Czech companies. Among those interested are RollsRoyce SMR and GE Hitachi, which, according to the latest information, are most advanced in the development of a functional SMR. Joint development between Czech and foreign companies in the form of a joint venture is under consideration, too.
The government resolution now assigns tasks with the aim of creating a suitable investor environment, based on the so-called taxonomy. The Roadmap recommends speeding up the process of site selection and preparation in order to start construction in the first half of 2030s. In addition to the existing nuclear sites, promising locations include current coal-fired power plants, e.g. Dětmarovice and Tisová. A complete overview of locations under consideration is included in the Roadmap.
SMRs are nuclear reactors with a power capacity of up to 700 MW and with a possibility of modular construction. The technology is quickly gaining traction in Europe and globally. Thanks to its know-how, the Czech nuclear industry might get involved in projects beyond Central Europe. In addition to electricity generation, SMRs can be used for co-generation and hydrogen production.