The ministry announced the competition for the construction of the missing 32 kilometres of the D4 motorway between Příbram and Písek through cooperation between the private and the public sector, the so-called PPP project. A private company will then have to operate and maintain the new motorway for 25 years. The construction of the D4 extension will not start sooner than in two years.
Applicants can file their applications until July 2, 2018. Then they will be evaluated and short-listed, i.e. reduced to four applicants based on the number of similar PPP projects they have completed. Four joint ventures with most PPP reference projects will be invited to competition dialogues and further negotiations with the contracting authority.
The Ministry of Transport assumes that about CZK 25 billion will be paid to the winner for the construction and operation of the motorway. Based on world-wide practices, the tender value was set as the total of nominal availability payments for the entire contract term. The final annual availability payment will be defined in a public tender.
Read full press release.