According to the Czech Statistical Office 5.9 million tourists came to visit the Czech Republic in the second quarter of 2014 which is nearly 3.5 % more than the last year. At least one night in the Czech Republic spent more than 10 million tourists for the last six months. Germans were the most frequent tourists with 19 % that is 10.5 % more than previous year. As a result of crisis in Ukraine fewer Russian and Ukrainian tourists visited the Czech Republic. The year-on-year decrease of Russian tourists was by 14.1 % and of Ukrainian tourists by 34.5 %. For Russian tourists the setback was not as big as it was expected to be around 20 %. In spite of these setbacks the overall number of tourists grew as it was compensated by aforementioned Germans but also Chinese with 22 % increase or South Koreans with increase of 10.3 % along with the increasing number of visitors from Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.