On Tuesday 16th September the CzechTourism agency made public the list of the Czech most visited touristic destinations in the year 2013. On the first three places in the overall TOP 20 placed Prague Castle, Prague ZOO and Aquapalace Prague. First location that was outside Prague placed fourth and it was Landek Park in the area of lower Vítkovice. In the TOP 10 castles and chateaux the order was: 1st Prague Castle, 2nd Chateau Lednice and 3rd Chateau and Castle in Český Krumlov. From the nature sites: Path in the Treetops Lipno, Punkva River Caves and Macocha and third the Gorges of Kamenice. The list was made in the cooperation of CzechTourism and other cultural and nature preserving agencies. You can find additional data in the attached spreadsheet.
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