Governmental amendment to the Act on VAT will be debated in a shortened procedure (no 1st reading) on March 2. The amendment suggests abolish a specific provision that allows to use „a usual price“ for taxable fulfilment between persons, who are in an employment relationships against each other. For more click here.
Governmental Amendment to the Act on Electronic Communications should go through the second reading during a session starting on March 9. It contains, among others, regulation of radio spectrum administration, universal service or preferential connection. For more click here.
Governmental amendment to the Act, which Changes Certain Acts in Connection with Disburdening Entrepreneurs of Administrative Duties submitted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes, e.g., changes to duties of IPR owners, products tagging, business premises marking, duties related to termination of activities. The piece should go through the first reading during the session starting on March 9. For more click here.
Governmental draft new Civil Code. The entire overhaul of the Civil Code has been prepared for more than 8 years. It is being submitted for the first reading during the session starting on March 9. The piece has no chance of passing the Parliament before parliamentary elections. An interesting debate can, however, be expected. For more click more.