According to the draft of National Action Plan for the development of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic that went through public comment procedure in the period of 16th January – 23rd January 2015 there are three variant solutions of further development of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic. First one is that the construction of new reactors would be financed solely by the ČEZ or its subsidiary. This solution is marked as the most preferred one although even the Minister of Industry and Commerce Jan Mládek doesn’t believe that this solution would be viable. Second possibility is that the new reactors would be constructed by a consortium of companies with the majority share owned by the Czech state through ČEZ subsidiary. Third option that the reactors would be constructed directly by the Czech Republic. This option is even in the Action Plan marked as the least probable because of the excessive financial impact on the state budget and it is included only for the sake of complete scale of possibilities. Nonetheless the Action Plan stresses that is imperative that the construction of new blocs in Dukovany and in Temelín started as soon as possible with building permit being granted as soon as 2025. The Action Plan also faces criticism as the public comment procedure lasted only few days. The use of nuclear energy and construction of new reactors especially in Temelín also faces long-term criticism from the Austrian and Czech environmental movements and organisations who threaten to take another action against it.