Governmental amendment to the Act on VAT was adopted in a shortened procedure (no 1st reading) on March 3. The amendment suggests abolish a specific provision that allows to use „a usual price“ for taxable fulfilment between persons, who are in an employment relationships against each other. The piece will now continue to the Senate. For more click here.
A governmental amendment to the Act on Public Tenders went through the second reading on February 25. It comprises a number of simplification provisions (foreign persons will only be obliged to submit documents from the country where there have a seat, not also the Czech Republic; not verified copies would be required + the originals before a contract is signed). Also, a ban on participating in public tenders for 3 years if the subject was cheating when claiming qualification, a reporting duty in case of framework contracts strengthened etc. For more, including the MPs´ proposals submitted in the 2nd reading, click here.
A MPs draft Act on Lobbying (994) went through the first reading on February 25. The time for the committees to debate the piece was shortened by 30 das. The draft act, unprecedented in the Czech Republic, covers lobbying as regards legislative process plus a process of drafting and approving strategic documents of public authorities. All lobbyists should be registered with the Interior Ministry. Both lobbyists and public authorities should provide regular reports on lobbyist contacts. For more click here.