Since the establishment of the Czech Republic in 1993, the government acting in 2014-2017 was the third government that served full four years and PM Sobotka was the third longest serving prime minister, the official brochure published by the Czech Government says. In 2016, the budget ended up in a surplus of 61.8bn CZK, and this was the fourth surplus budget since 1993. For 2017, a deficit of 60bn CZK is planned.
The Czech Republic has the 7th fastest GDP growth in the EU (4.7% y-o-y in Q4 2017). The unemployment rate reached 3.8% in September 2017, which was the lowest figure for the past 19 years, and the lowest firgure in the EU, according to Eurostat. The 2014-2017 coalition government of Bohuslav Sobotka raised the monthly minimum wage from 8,500 CZK to 11,000 CZK (and to 12,200CZK from January 2018). The level of national minimum wage is at 40.5% of the national average wage. Wages of employees in the sector of culture grew by 35% on average since 2013. Public sector wages were increased 4 times during the 2014-2017 period; this included workers in the sectors of education, health care, social services and security forces. Every year, pensions were increased.
In the 2007-2013 EU programming period, the government tapped 96.4% of 676.3bn CZK allocated from EU funds. 630.7bn CZK were allocated in the 2014-2020 period and as of August 2017, the Czech Republic tapped more than 87% of the funds available.
Areas by subject:
- conceptual approach to environment protection
- amendment to the Act on EIA
- greater protection of land and national parks
- green subsidies
- Paris Agreement adoption
Research, development and innovations
- higher expenditure on research and development
- R&D strategy
- support to research institutions
- strengthened international cooperation
- state budget and tax collection optimation
- fight against tax evasion
- tax changes (VAT, family, pensioners, hazard)
Forign Affairs
- conceptual approach to foreign policy
- good relations with neighbouring countries
- rejection of EU migration quotas and cooperation in the area of migration
- development assistance
- promotion of investment and export
- securing workforce from Ukraine - procedures for highly qualified workers
- conceptual approach to defence
- increased budget for defence
- legislative changes allowing for better preparedness and deployment of armed forces
- complying with international obligations and commitments to cooperation
- stability of the Czech Army (personnel)
- strengthening national security
- implementation of the Act on Civil Servants
- audit of natioal security
- amendment to the Act on Postal Services
- launch of the National Agency for ICT
Industry and Trade
- promotion of foreign investment and export
- tapping EU funds
- promotion of regional development and local investment
- amendment to the Act on Electronic Communications
- safe energy sector, lifting lignite mining limits, nuclear energy measures
- conceptual approach to issues related to imprisonment
- major legislative changes - amendments to Civil Code, Civil Code of Procedure, Act on Distraint
- central register of torts
- protection of debtors
- reduced length of civil proceedings
- criminal law - amendment to the Act on Criminal Responsibility of Legal Entities
Employment and Social Affairs
- increased minimum wage
- higher wages for public sector employees
- reduced unemployment
- stabilization of the pension system
- support to families with children
- higher contribution to those taking care of seriously ill family members
- speeding up construction of transport infrastructure (more effective dealing with land owners)
- changes in the system of financing railways
- higher budget for the State Fund of Infrastructure Development
- a list of high-priority construction projects
- securing repairs of roads classified as roads of II. and III. category
- finalisation of construction of crucial parts of highways - D8, D11
- securing operation of the toll system - tender issued in July 2017
- preparation for climate change impacts
- consumer protection
- food quality testing, incl. the issue of dual quality of food
- support to animal production, farmers and producers
- strategic approach to forest management
Education, Youth and Sports
- support to teachers
- conceptual approach to education
- re-allocation of funds for sports organisations, clubs
- support to kindergartens, increasing their capacity
- universities - new law regulating internal and external evaluation, increased expenditure on universities in 2018
Regional Development
- tapping EU funds
- new rules for public procurement
- amendment to the Construction Act
- support to regional develompent
- planning policy coordination at the level of regions and municipalities
- changes in the area of tourism, regulation of travel agencies
- effective use of EU funds to protect cultural heritage
- wage increase of employees in the sector of culture
- increased public expenditure on culture by 40%
- reconstruction of major objects (National Library, National Museum, State Opera)
- support to film production