The so-called governmental anti-corruption package (1015) contains, for example, a new provision on an agent provoking to a crime and conditions under which a criminal proceeding running against an accused person, who is co-operating with the prosecutor or a court, can be discontinued. The piece is on the agenda of first readings. For more information click here.
A delayed governmental amendment to the Act on Public Tenders will go through the second fading. It comprises a number of simplification provisions (foreign persons will only be obliged to submit documents from the country where there have a seat, not also the Czech Republic; not verified copies would be required + the originals before a contract is signed). Also, a ban on participating in public tenders for 3 years if the subject was cheating when claiming qualification, a reporting duty in case of framework contracts strengthened etc. For more click here.
Governmental amendment to the Act on Income Tax (959) will go through the third reading. The draft suggests tax both the interest and revenue from a sale of state bonds owned by a natural person. For more click here.
Another piece planned for the third reading is an amendment to the Act on Social Security Contributions and on the State Employment Policy Contribution. A KSČM MP proposes to abolish the caps on social security and general health insurance contributions (a maximum base of assessment – maximální vyměřovací základ) introduced from 2008. For more click here.