A Czech Airlines Airbus A319 will fly between Prague and Kazan twice a week from 27 April, the planes.cz server wrote. The flights are planned to depart from Prague at 22:05 and arrive in Kazan at 02:40, flying back at 03:35 and landing at 06:15.
China Eastern Airlines will launch their Prague-Shanghai flight on 22 June. Three flights per week (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday) are planned.
The Czech Airlines will operate Prague-Zagreb flight from 27 April. Croatia Airlines will offer Prague-Zagreb flights from 21 May.
The Polish air carrier SprintAir will operate flight between Prague and Radom from 22 April.
The Czech Airlines (CSA) postponed their plans to operate flights between Prague and the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina Sarajevo to summer 2017, but CSA’s decision to launch flight Prague-Skopje, the capital of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on 19 May was not affected.