On Wednesday 8th October President Miloš Zeman signed the novel of Copyright Act. The novel of this act presents the prolongation of the protection period for the copyright form 50 years to 70 years thus enabling authors to benefit from their works created in their youth in the beginnings of their artistic work. It also regulates the copyright period for the text-based works intended for common use such as pop songs, operas or musicals. The copyright in these cases would not end earlier than 70 years from the death of the author that died later. By this act also the protection of such works that are already unprotected will be reinstated. This means for example songs of Voskovec and Werich where the protection will expire in 2050. Regardning hotel owner corresponding provisions are also included that enable the owners to apply for discount on fees according to the utilization of beds. The act also regulates so called orphan works where the beneficiary would be public benefit institution that could digitalize them and make them accessible via internet.
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