On Thursday 29th January Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria met in Slavkov to discuss the now format of strengthened political and economic cooperation. Their common aim is to raise the awareness of the population concerning countries’ joint interests and to subsequently explain the model of European integration to them. One of the outcomes of the meeting is Slavkov Declaration that encompasses working plan and sets key areas of cooperation for the year 2015. The common areas for the cooperation for 2015 are transportation, energy security, infrastructure, youth employment, cross-border cooperation, social aspects of European integration and EU neighborhood policy. Besides these topics all three prime ministers also discussed the events that recently happened in Paris in the terms of cooperation in security and also the big prepared Investment Initiative of the EU where they agreed that it was a matter of great importance for the economic growth and growth of competitiveness of the EU. Prime ministers of the Czech Republic and Austria agreed that they would convene regularly once a year.