27th June 2016

Radio Praha: Brexit to slow down Czech economy: analysts | More reactions, data

Brexit could slightly slow down the growth of Czech economy in 2016, economic analysts predict. According to estimates, the growth of the country’s Gross Domestic Product could drop by several tenths of a percentage point. Despite Brexit, the Czech economy is expected to grow by about two percent this year. The slow- down will be caused by a weakening demand for export to the EU, fuelled by uncertainty on world markets. At the same time, experts say that economic relations with Great Britain are not threatened in any way, Radio Praha writes.

View more reactions: Confederation of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic (Svaz průmyslu a obchodu), Association of SMEs and Crafts of the Czech Republic (AMSPBUSINESSEUROPE, AmCham EU, Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Four group (Czech Rep, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) - in English, Czech. More reactions (in Czech).

View also a series of interviews on DVTV with Czech politicians, experts, MEPs: MEPs Telička, Pospíšil, economist Tomáš Sedláček, lawyer Jiří Přibáň, executive director of the Vaclav Klaus Institute Jiří Weigl, journalist Benjamin Kuras, economist Michal Mejstřík and MEP Petr Mach.

According to the Globlal Counsel study from June 2015, the Czech Republic is the 9th most Brexit-exposed EU country. Also, the Czech Statistical Office published latest data on Czech-UK relations. In 2015, there were 5,966 UK citizens living, 526 studying in the Czech Republic

Read also an article presenting Regional Development Minister Karla Šlechtová's view on the impact of Brexit on tapping of European funds, published by the CTK News Agency (in Czech).

Also, EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström, when asked at the Atlantic Council meeting at the end of June 2016: "Will TTIP happen after Brexit?" "Absolutely-even more important than ever!"



Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic