The Senate discussed the EC Communication on Strengthening the Social Dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union (for the English version, click here). The Communication of the Commission stresses several aspects that should be further discussed and primarily implemented to improve the position of endangered socio-economic groups of citizens. With regard to the current European semester, the Communication seeks to enhance employment and social policies. Among others, the aims of the strategy are to reinforced surveillance of those policies with regard to economic policy coordination, and to enhanced solidarity and action on employment and labor mobility. The intention of the Communication is to implement a system of early warning that would help to oversight current macroeconomic situation and would help to adopt efficient measures.
What is important, the Communication was criticized by right wing parties at the plenum of the Senate. A Civic Democratic senator Miroslav Škaloud made a comment that member states should strive for further reforms of labor market in order to efficiently fight against unemployment. The senator also mentioned an implementation of duty for unemployed citizens to actively search for job positions. Further, tax relief for employers should be introduced to increase the amount of job positions.
For further information and discussion on the plenary session, click here.