Athens, 15 May 2012
The decision taken earlier today by the political leaders to lead Greece to new general elections constitutes a heavy blow to the economy and opens the way to catalytic and worrisome developments. It is unfortunate that at this difficult time the protection of partisan interest has been chosen to the detriment of the national interest and of the country’s future. With the state in a situation of absolute inactivity due to the prolonged political crisis and the recent elections, we are now led to new elections resulting in the continued prolongation of both political uncertainty and the inactivity of the machinery of government. We fear that, as a result of this situation, the country shall not be able to comply with its immediate internal as well external obligations without unforeseen consequences.
We make an appeal to the business community to react with levelheadedness, without hasty movements and with the poise required by the dramatic hours that our country is experiencing. The same appeal we address to the citizen, with the parallel observation that the exit of our country from the European family and from the Eurozone is not at all in its best interest. It is certain that the importance of such a perspective, and its disastrous consequences that would result in a serious economic regression as well as deep social unrest, has not been adequately stressed so far. It must be stressed now in the most emphatic way. We wish that we and our children may avoid facing such a painful reality. To the contrary, we should wish that, as a result of the new elections, the government to be elected guarantees the European orientation of the country and restores its deeply wounded credibility.