At its plenary session on 2 May, the Chamber of Deputies discussed a governmental proposal of amendments to the Act on Public Support and the Act on Scientific Support in the second reading. The aim of the Act is to record any financial support to private subjects up to EUR 200,000 (central register of public support set up in January 2010). With respect to the European Union directions, higher support would be considered as an illicit incentive that deforms competition. The amendment stipulates which activities could be financially supported in order to adequately award the incentive by the provider of the support. Furthermore, the Office for the Protection of Competition (ÚOHS) is responsible for any assessment of support applications. The amendment also emphasizes the necessity of accuracy of the information recorded in the central register for precise support granting.
For further information, click here (explanatory report, sites of the Chamber of Deputies).
The Chamber of Deputies also discussed a governmental proposal of the amendments to the Act on Budget Rules in the first reading (discussed at the session of government on 11April). The amendment stipulates setting up of a unified system for central control of the state treasury. The system should keep records to provide precise information for efficient decision-making and controlling of state expenditure. The Bill is heading to the Budget Committee of the Chamber; the Committee will concern the Bill at its meeting on 16 May.
For further information regarding the Bill, click here.