Five important Czech professionals agreed on this during the roundtable debate organised by Economia publishing. These five persons of importance were Miloš Kužvart, former minister of environment, Jan Slavík, University of Economics in Prague, Jakub Vít, Association of Industry and Transportation, Marek Sýkora, mayor of Dobřany and deputy of Cities and Villigase Association, and Ladislav Trylč, currently responsible for the waste disposal agenda on Ministry of Environment. Main theme was disposing of the cover material and whether it should be good or not to let another player into so far monopoly market ruled by Eko-Kom. Eko-Kom was created by packing material manufacturing enterprises in order to ensure collecting, shipping and recycling and further use of the material. It also provides counsel and necessary equipment for Czech municipalities. The experts couldn’t agree whether letting in another player, German firm Interseroh, would be beneficial in in the terms of competition or not. They argue that it is not clear that the new competitor would invest at least as much as Eko Kom did when it was building the infrastructure and that the beneficial influence of bigger competition in that market segment is not proven.
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