The Czech Republic has signed the EuroHPC declaration, becoming the 14th country to participate in the joint national and European effort to build together world-class computing and data infrastructures in Europe.
Robert Plaga, Minister of Education, Sports and Youth
"We welcome the participation of the Czech Republic in this ambitious European initiative. By aligning our European and national strategies and pooling resources and know-how, we will be able to produce European HPC technologies and applications and integrate them into leading-edge machines to build a HPC vibrant ecosystem.
We are very glad to join the EuroHPC initiative and become a Member State of the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking once it is established by the adoption of respective EU Council Regulation. HPC is a very dynamic R&D domain, which importance for further enhancement of European research and business communities has become essential over the recent years. Computer simulations enable researchers and innovators to perform an experiment in a virtual reality in a cheaper, faster, safer and environmental-friendly way without the need of actual making it. Supercomputing thus enable to reduce costs of technology development and to make experiments that would be barely doable in the real life. Top-class HPC e-infrastructure has become substantial for the 21st century scientific and industrial development, not to mention its role in the security area. Nowadays, it is clear that Europe is lagging behind. Therefore, we believe that the envisaged European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking will facilitate the pan-European cooperation in the endeavour to become a worldwide leader in HPC. We are prepared to provide the Czech national HPC capacities and capabilities for this joint mission and contribute to accomplish it successfully."
Read full press release by the European Commission.