According to the balance of payments that was made public by the Czech National Bank on Friday 12th December the revenues from tourism for the third quarter of the year 2014 amounted up to 36.4 bn CZK that is 1.5 bn in year-on-year comparison. That means year-on-year revenue growth by 3.4 %. According to the statistic the tourist spent in the Czech Republic 103.6 bn CZK in total from the beginning of the year 2014 which means 2 % growth in year on year comparison. The main countries of origin contributing to the growth were Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Spain and united Kingdom. From the Asian countries China (+22 %) and South Korea (+20 %) were the most contributing. Czech Republic was the destination for 6.2 million tourists from the beginning of year 2014 that is 2.9 % more in year-on-year comparison. Jan Herget assumes that the last quarter of the year including advent city breaks would contribute to this positive trend.
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