According to the Czech National Bank data that was presented on 9th September the income from the tourism for the second quarter of 2014 reached 37.5 bn which is 12.3 % more than previous year. The lower number of Russian tourists was compensated by the tourists from neighbouring countries and from China and South Korea. Year-on-year the incomes for the first half of the year from the tourism grew by 6.7 % and reached total amount of 70.6 bn. But recently the efforts of Czech travel agencies and other tourism related services were seriously undermined when Prague mayor Tomáš Hudeček revoked partnership status with Moscow and Saint Petersburg. This move was deeply criticised by the Association of Czech Travel Agencies, Union of Spas of the Czech Republic and Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Czech Republic. This move caused sharp decrease in willingness of Russian tourists to come to the Czech Republic and more than 30 % of reservations were cancelled by the Russian tourists.