On Thursday 25th September the special government workroup designed and created to cope with the effects of sanctions imposed on Russia and vice-versa from Russia on EU member counties discussed the implementation of support plan of Czech exporters. The results of the debate reflected government decision to create posts of twelve new economic diplomats that would help to open new markets for the Czech exporters. The respective locations will be chosen in cooperation with Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and with the Czech Chamber of Commerce. Also the support of tourism was discussed during the meeting along with the introduction of kurzarbeit. Also according to the survey of the Czech Statistical Office more than half (50.7 %) of Czech export goes to four neighboring countries (Germany, Slovakia, Poland and Austria). One of the most rapidly growing and most significant trade relationships is with China that grew the fastest between 2005 and 2013. During these years import from China grew for example by 222 %. The workgroup is to prepare the final recommendations for individual ministries on 1st October after giving it to the Czech government.