In mid-June, WP29 issued a press release on oint Review of the Privacy Shield:
On 12 July 2016, the European Commission adopted the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield adequacy decision. After assessing the case law of the CJEU and the ECtHR, the relevant US law, as well as the draft and final adequacy decisions, the Art. 29 Working Party (WP29) issued several opinions and stressed that its concerns would have to be addressed within the framework of the annual EU/US Joint Review of the Privacy Shield. The first joint annual review will be therefore a key moment for the WP 29 to assess the robustness and effectiveness of the Privacy Shield mechanism.
According to the adequacy decision, the Commission will undertake this Review, which will take place in September in the US. The participation in the meetings will be open for EU DPAs of the Article 29 Working Party. At the eve of this first Joint Review, the WP29 has been intensively preparing this exercise, both with respect to the substance and to the operational dimension of the Review. In particular, it has adopted a letter to be sent to the European Commission to share its views and recommendations.
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