18th October 2014

Politics: Senate Election Results

On Friday 17th October and Saturday 18th October 2nd round of the elections to the Senate was held and 27 senators from the total number of 81 were elected to serve their 6year term in office. The turnout proved to be at its lowest level and historic minimum with only 16.6 % of eligible voters that is lower than half of the turnout in first electoral round with 38.62 %. Greatest success achieved ČSSD with 10 of 19 defended mandates with the result being according party presidents expectations. Second place shared ANO 2001 with 4 new mandates and KDU-ČSL that also received additional 4 mandates. KDU-ČSL also received 3 more mandates in coalition with SZ (Green Party). ODS itself along with SLK (Mayors for Liberec Region), STAN (Mayors and Independent), SsČR (Freeholders Party) and SPO received 1 mandate. ODS additionally received 1 mandate more in an unusual coalition with the monarchist movement Koruna Česká (Czech Crown). One party that also defended one mandate but didn’t receive any was KSČM. Also present speaker of the Senate Milan Štěch managed to defend his mandate during these election. If we now have a look at the present situation in Senate and on potential majorities we can see that ČSSD remained the strongest force in the upper chamber with its 34 senators followed with ODS with 14 senators, KDU-ČSL has now 10 senators, 7 senators belong to the club of Mayors, KSČM will be in club with SPO and Severočeši.cz with the total of 6 senators, SZ (Green Party) is finally going to from its own senatorial club with 5 senators followed by the club of ANO and independents that is likely to emerge also having 5 senators. With this layout the current government coalition should have comfortable majority of 48 senators.

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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic